Using AI to Unlock Business Efficiency

Discover how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help business executives improve operational efficiency by automating mundane tasks and providing personalized experiences for customers.

Using AI to Unlock Business Efficiency

Business executives can leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve operational efficiency in a variety of ways. Automating mundane tasks is one of the most effective methods for freeing up time for employees to focus on higher-value activities. AI-powered content tools are available for writing product descriptions, web texts, articles, and industry reports. For example, Alibaba's AI-Copywriter can generate more than 20,000 lines of text in just one second. AI is also being used in Human Resources (HR) processes, such as hiring.

Unilever, which hires about 30,000 people a year and handles 1.8 million applications, partnered with Pymetrics to create an online platform capable of carrying out initial candidate evaluations in their own homes. This has resulted in a reduction of around 70,000 hours of interviewing and evaluating candidates. AI chatbots can be used to recommend phrases and moods that best suit a segment of the audience. AI solutions can also be used to analyze customer behavior data and provide products or services that are more attractive to them. Netflix's recommendation engine is an example of how AI can be used to provide a personalized experience. AI tools can also help marketing teams make timely adjustments to their promotions.

AI applications and tools offer greater visibility into customer behaviors, help make relevant offers, and offer a personalized experience across many channels. These tools also provide better sales forecasts, predict customer requirements, and enable better communication with customers. AI and machine learning can help optimize customer service channels, including automated phone trees, chatbots, and more. Combining customer feedback with real-time geographic event data can offer business exclusivity and an unprecedented customer experience to any brand. Verint Systems recently acquired Next IT, a company that develops conversational artificial intelligence that answers complex questions for companies and improves customer experiences. With this information, businesses can further personalize the user experience, which can lead to greater sales opportunities and help build customer loyalty.


isn't just available to create a more personalized experience for customers; it is cost-effective, an integral part of customer interaction, and convenient for mitigating the lack of qualified personnel in an organization.

Harlan Tegan
Harlan Tegan

General food trailblazer. Freelance music junkie. Typical pop cultureaholic. Amateur travel practitioner. Wannabe twitter fanatic. Total twitter trailblazer.

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