The Power of Chatbot Communication Style for Enhancing Customer Service

Chatbots are becoming an increasingly popular tool for customer service. Two experimental studies have revealed that using a communication style oriented to social networks can increase customer satisfaction. Learn how to use chatbot communication style for enhanci

The Power of Chatbot Communication Style for Enhancing Customer Service

Chatbots are becoming an increasingly popular tool for customer service, as they can provide quick answers to common inquiries and reduce the time customers spend waiting in line. But how can chatbots be used to ensure positive customer service experiences and improve customer satisfaction? Two experimental studies have revealed that using a communication style oriented to social networks can significantly increase customer satisfaction. The chatbot's warm perception mediates this effect, while consumer attachment anxiety moderates these effects. The results of the studies indicate that a communication style oriented to social networks may be beneficial in improving service satisfaction for customers with a very anxious attachment, but it does not work for those with a humble and anxious attachment. This suggests that when a chatbot uses a communication style oriented to social networks, which is more consistent with the expected behaviors of customers, the perception that customers have of the chatbot could improve dramatically.

Today's chatbots that offer customer service are low-end AI applications, which can only learn and adapt to a minimum degree and relate, but in a fairly mechanical way. Human-type chatbots generate greater satisfaction and trust among customers, leading to greater adoption of the chatbot. The communication style of chatbots (task-oriented) promotes the warm perception of customers towards chatbots and, ultimately, improves customer satisfaction.

Harlan Tegan
Harlan Tegan

General food trailblazer. Freelance music junkie. Typical pop cultureaholic. Amateur travel practitioner. Wannabe twitter fanatic. Total twitter trailblazer.

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